Wish App New Logo

Aug 4, 2022 6:16:48 AM | Wish HQ Announcing Wish’s New Logo

Introducing Wish’s refreshed logo design! It’s the first time we’ve made a change to our look since the company was founded 12 years ago.

Today, we’re introducing Wish’s refreshed logo design. It’s the first time we’ve made a change to our look since the company was founded 12 years ago. We think it’s a more impactful expression of our brand, and is part of our ongoing efforts to make Wish a go-to destination to explore curiosities and enjoy the shopping hunt. Have questions about it? We’ve put together this guide to help explain why we decided to mix things up.

Why does Wish have a new logo?
You may have already noticed that we’ve made a few changes in recent months to bring you an improved discovery shopping experience. Some exciting updates include shoppable videos, a revamped homepage design, and improved shipping times. As we move forward, we think it’s time to present the world with something that better represents our evolution. We loved our old logo, but it had us feeling a little blue (see what we did there?). It also felt stylistically outdated and we needed something to boldly illuminate the screen and signal a new era of Wish. Plus, Wish is anything but ordinary. It’s a place of discovery, wonder, and most importantly, a place for fun. Our new logo helps communicate our uniqueness and dials the fun factor up a notch.

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What major changes were made to the logo? 
Take a look at the “W” in our new wordmark. Notice a flair? We’re very excited about this element! It’s meant to be a dynamic spark that expresses our playful personality. It symbolizes ignited imagination and discovery and represents the endless, eclectic variety of merchandise available on Wish. Best of all, the flair is interchangeable, which means it can be swapped out with other elements regularly to highlight special occasions. We’re going to have lots of fun with this!

EXAMPLE_WISH_Logo-StarWhere can we expect to see the new logo?
The next time you pick up your phone to unlock your treasure hunt, you’ll notice that the Wish icon is decked out in a green box and black “W.” Give us a click and you’ll see our fancy new digs on the screen as you wait for the app to load. In addition, all of our blogs, emails, social media platforms, and notifications will also feature the new logo. Over the next few months, you’ll see it pop up in advertisements and more. The rollout of the logo will happen in phases, so don’t worry if you don’t see it everywhere right away.

App store mockup (1)Do I have to do anything with my account?
You won’t have to worry about doing anything! We’ll do all the heavy lifting so that you can relax and enjoy the uniquely entertaining experience the Wish app offers. We do encourage you to keep installing any new app updates so you can always experience our latest and greatest. 

What else is changing with the company?
We’re making other changes around the company and we hope that the new logo will get you excited about the future of Wish. We’re going through a period of transformation, so be sure to follow our blog and our social media accounts (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn) for any major announcements. You can also learn more about our progress by tuning into our Inside Wish series. In the meantime, we do have some major news — click here to read about our recent partnership with Leeds United.

Delia Mitchell

Written By: Delia Mitchell

Delia Mitchell is Wish's Editorial Manager and oversees the content you see here on the Wish shopping blog! She loves writing about cool brands found on Wish, sustainability, and wellness. Delia holds a Bachelor's Degree in Communication Studies from Pace University.