trenette with pesto pasta in bowl with basil garnish

Aug 10, 2021 4:27:00 PM | Recettes The Delicious and Easy Trenette With Pesto Recipe

So put your apron on, and let’s prepare together this homemade recipe of Trenette with pesto and green beans, and potatoes

We all are passionate about Trenette al Pesto! Have you suddenly felt like eating a delicious bowl of pasta with pesto? We do!

As you know, when it comes to food at Wish, we are always up for finding delicious recipes to prepare at home!

So put your apron on, and let’s prepare together this homemade recipe of Trenette with pesto and green beans and potatoes 🍝 By the way, did you know where Trenette al Pesto came from? Let us know below in the comments ⤵️

*If you are Italian - click here and find the recipe written in Italian*

Not wanting to read the whole recipe? Find all the items you need right here

Must-Have Ingredients(for 4 people):

  • Pesto (even better if homemade)
  • Trenette 500 g (or any pasta you like: spaghetti, trofie, linguine) - maybe you inherited the love of homemade pasta from your sweet grandmother. Then this noodle maker and pasta drying rack are two Wish items that you'll need 😃
  • Green beans
  • One large potato

mortar and pestle with pestoPhoto Credit: alienowics

Let's start with pesto, which tastes even better when homemade! Here are the ingredients for making a delicious DIY pesto.

If you already bought your pesto - you can go straight to the pasta procedure 🍝 

Ingredients for a Handmade Genovese Pesto

  • Basil
  • Two cloves of garlic
  • One pinch of salt
  • Two tablespoons Parmesan cheese
  • Two tablespoons pecorino cheese
  • 30 g pine nuts
  • 100ml of extra virgin olive oil

How to Make Basil Pesto

Put the basil, pine nuts, peeled garlic, parmesan, and pecorino cheese with a pinch of salt in a mortar and pestle and start mixing everything, adding the olive oil a little at a time.

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Photo Credit: francescafalconieri_

It’s Time to Cook Pasta 🍝 

Put water to a boil with saltwater and in the meantime, set aside your pasta already perfectly measured with a long pasta measuring tool.

While the water is heating up, get a cutting board and start peeling and cutting the green beans into small pieces and the potato into ¼” cubes.

When the water is boiling, add the green beans and potatoes to the water for ten minutes before throwing in the pasta. 

Add the pasta afterward to the water and wait for it to cook, leaving your wooden spoon aside on a spoon rest. Be sure your pasta will be cooked al dente :)

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Take a colander and drain the Trenette with green beans and potatoes, leaving a little cooking water. Then add your prepared pesto to the pot.

Stir everything for a few seconds to make the sauce creamier and serve. Don't forget to add grated Parmesan as you wish to make the dish even tastier!

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YUM! Grab those utensils and enjoy your handmade Trenette al pesto. Buon appetito!

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Francesca Vernile

Written By: Francesca Vernile