Wish Local Celebrates #WishWomen Female Entrepreneurs

Mar 19, 2021 1:49:58 PM | Lifestyle Wish Local Celebrates #WishWomen Female Entrepreneurs

Wish Local Celebrates #WishWomen Female Entrepreneurs for Women's History Month

We hope you’re still enjoying Women’s History month, Wish fam. All month across our Social channels at Wish (Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube), we’ve been honoring #WishWomen to empower and uplift each other during March. We’re here to continue that with a piece about some #WishWomen business owners!

     Being a woman isn’t always easy, so being a female entrepreneur comes with its own set of challenges. External and internal obstacles can get in the way of success, and looking outside for support is often necessary. But no matter what challenges your business is facing, our Wish Local Program (WL) can help. 

     Our program can assist brick-and-mortar stores by boosting sales and revenue, looking for more foot traffic? Just sign up for WL, and customers will be filing into your store to pick up their items in no time -- and making purchases from you along the way.

     Here at Wish HQ, we were curious about what impediments #WishWomen who participate in our program face. How are they challenged daily-- and how do they rise to those challenges? What inspires them and how do they celebrate wins? Who do they rely on for support and what have they learned from their time as small business owners?

     The first Wish Local participant we asked is Tyronda Horrison, who owns Sprinkle of Glitz in Swartz Creek, Michigan. 

IG post Tyronda


     When asked what inspires her to keep striving for success, Tyronda answered: “My kids and my loyal customers.”

     She’s observed that some vendors take men more seriously than women as store owners but doesn’t let it affect her. Tyronda can evade feelings of imposter syndrome by reminding herself that others don’t determine her success.


     Wish Local has contributed to her achievements by bringing more customers into her store. As a brand new business in the area, foot traffic was invaluable to getting the word out about Sprinkle Of Glitz. 

     Just like everyone else, #WishWomen have been impacted by the pandemic, but they sure know how to problem-solve creatively. Melissa Parkes, owner of Friendz Leggings in Langley, British Columbia, had enjoyed success after pivoting to her local community for merchandise to sell when shipping was halted due to Covid. 

Melissa Parkes, owner of Friendz Leggings


     Providing locals with a safe pick-up option has been a lifesaver for the community. The Wish Local program has also brought a significant increase in foot traffic to her store, putting her business on the map.


     The advice she’d give other women starting their own business? “If something you do doesn’t work, don’t be scared to change it for the better.” Solid advice for times like these when you never know what will happen next.

     Next up is Carolyn Biter, of Happy Owl of Highlands, in Sebring, Florida. She’s been lucky enough to be mentored by other female small business owners who support her on her journey. Their pointers and suggestions have been invaluable to the success of her store. 



     The Wish Local program has brought many beautiful customers into her life who have since become regulars & friends! Without these shoppers, her store would not have survived. 

     Carolyn’s advice for fellow female business owners? “Realizing that there is room at the table for everyone removes the feelings of competition and encourages cooperation, which gives room to grow.” This is one lesson we could all take to heart!


     Our last Wish Local participant is Cassie Streit, of Streit Sandblasting in Salina, Kansas. Cassie knows that #WishWomen aren’t always viewed as equals in male-dominated industries like hers.  

Cassie Streit Sandblasting

     She relates how female business owners are often mistaken for employees by outside vendors or customers in her line of work. Cassie remains kind but firm and doesn’t let this discourage her. Instead, she focuses on wins! 

     To celebrate her achievements, she likes to share fun news, successes, and new products on social media Lives. Growing up, Cassie was inspired by her mothers’ hard work. Her mom worked tirelessly to raise a family and grow the economy in a time when DIY home and child care methods were the only options. She cleared a path for the success of women in generations to come.

     When asked what challenges Cassie has faced, she answered: “Someday there will be gender equality for all! I'll just keep building a successful business to inspire those female leaders yet to come.”

     No one can do it all by themselves, no matter how much they toil. So, inspired by her mother’s hard work, Cassie turned to the Wish Local program and instantly saw an increase in sales. She also set up cross-promotions with other businesses through WL connections, providing her with a stronger tie to the community. 

     We hope these stories have inspired you, readers! Being a woman means wearing many hats, and that’s also true for the female entrepreneurs of our lifetime. No matter what challenges your business is facing, Wish Local can lend a hand. New call-to-action

     Curious to learn more about our Wish Local program? Check this out for details, and stay tuned to our social channels (Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube) all month long as we empower and uplift each other through the stories of #WishWomen.

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Milli Jenkins

Written By: Milli Jenkins