5 Weird Ways to Stay Cozy & #Stayhome With Wish

Apr 25, 2020 5:00:00 PM | Lifestyle 5 Weird Ways to Stay Cozy & #Stayhome With Wish

Being stuck at home sucks. There, we said it BUT here’s a list of 4 things that you didn’t know your quarantine was missing.

Being stuck at home sucks. There, we said it.

But with a good sense of humor and a few weird Wish items, that time at home can go from boring to fun pretty quickly. 

Here’s a list of 5 things that you didn’t know your quarantine was missing.

  1. Bread Pillows

Carbs are the only thing bringing us joy right now, so why not just embrace them?? We can’t think of a better invention than giant bread pillows. 

In fact, we challenge you to come up with one. Seriously, tell us in the comments what you think could be better than laying your head to rest on some lovely fluffy carbs. We’ll wait.

  1. Cat Body Pillow

Sure, you could get a real pet to keep you company during quarantine. But it probably wouldn’t be 4 feet long and you definitely couldn’t use it as a body pillow. 

Want 4 different cats? In 4 glorious sizes? Go for it. Remember: no one can call you a crazy cat person if they are just stuffed animals. 

  1. Bird Leg Socks

Birds of a feather flock together, and man, are these some weird lookin’ birds. This particular breed is prone to frequent walks to the kitchen, lying around in PJs, and taking lots of naps on any available surface.

Oh, and taking leg selfies, which we think might be the next big thing

4. Pizza Blanket

Anyone who says that money cannot buy happiness has obviously never spent their money on pizza… or this amazing blanket.

Who doesn’t want to roll themselves up in their favorite tasty food? We barely need to sell you on this one, really.

But we WILL say that reviewers call it super soft (and note that it’s machine washable, so you can pig out on pizza while dressed as one. You’re welcome).

5. Animal Sleep Masks

Some things can be funny and slightly terrifying at the same time. Clowns come to mind. So do awesomely bad horror movies. Well, you can add this sleep mask to the list.

I mean, this child looks like she ate her sibling and crawled into her parents’ room for dessert. Sure, you could actually use it to catch some shut-eye, but where’s the fun in that?? 

We highly recommend wearing it around the house to freak out your family, roommates, or partner. 

Taking extensive selfies is also recommended, just don’t forget to tag us in your pics! @Wish

Well Wish fam, we hope this roundup of weirdness brought you a little joy. These may be seriously trying times, but that’s all the more reason to laugh when we can. Especially at each other.

So grab a few of these items, strike a pose, and post away! 

Stay home. And stay weird.

Milli Jenkins

Written By: Milli Jenkins