25 Random Acts of Kindness with Wish

Feb 17, 2020 8:08:00 AM | Community 25 Random Acts of Kindness with Wish

It’s better to give than it is to receive and what better way to GIVE than to celebrate "Random Act of Kindness Day" with Wish!

All KINDs of Nice

Isn't it better to give than it is to receive? Whether it's volunteering your time, asking a neighbor to walk their pet, acknowledging a close friend or just showing off that Colgate smile to a random stranger, it feels so great to GIVE!

And what better way to GIVE than to celebrate "Random Acts of Kindness Day" with some simple, meaningful ways you can show your sweetness TODAY! 

“Fill them with Kindness”

  1. Say "Please" & "Thank You"!
  2. Compliment a complete stranger. Channel your inner Joey and introduce yourself with a kind greeting.


  1. Have a Gym buddy? Make a playlist with their favorite PUMPed up songs. 
  2. Bring in some delicious baked goods for your co-workers… “And the employee of the month goes to______________" (Insert your name here) 
  3. Hugs are the best! Spread the Aloha and give MORE Hugs... Be courteous and make sure to ask them first .


  1. Walk your neighbor’s dog or help feed their pet. Also, make sure to ask them first .
  2. Nothing says kindness more than COFFEE & TEA! Make a cup of coffee or tea for your loved one to help jump-start their day. Go the extra mile and pay it forward by offering to buy a cup for a random stranger in line. Watch their face light up like a kid on Christmas . 


  1. Write a letter of appreciation for a friend and tell them how AWESOME they are. 
  2. Make someone laugh and send them a GIPHY.


  1. Wake up early and make breakfast in bed for your loved one. 
  2. Feed the parking meter for an expired meter and make someone’s day. 
  3. Visit an Animal shelter and donate some cat/dog food. Even better if you decide to extend the family and adopt! 


  1. Offer up your seat for someone to sit down. 
  2. Reconnect with an old friend you haven’t seen in a while.
  3. Write a kind sticky note and put them on your co-worker’s desk. Tell them how amazing they all are!


  1.  Don’t forget about our educators! Contact your local school/after-school programs and ask if you can donate school supplies
  2. Donate your clothes & home items to a local charity. 
  3. Volunteer your time.
  4. Give your boss some kudos with a meaningful compliment. And ask for that raise another time .


  1. Spend more time with family and play a board game together. 
  2. The best way to the heart is through a happy stomach. Surprise that special person by making it a date night with a home-cooked meal


  1. Send a gift to a friend and let them know you appreciate them.
  2. Take random photos with your friends and hang them up on your wall.


  1. Support your local businesses and give them a nice shout out on social media. (Hint Hint: Use Wish Pickup ).
  2. Don’t forget to treat yourself. Self-Care is the best care. Do something incredible today so your future self can thank you tomorrow. 


Let us know how you’re sharing your kindness by tagging @Wish on Instagram and Facebook.

“Be the change that you WISH to see in the world.” ― Mahatma Gandhi 

AJ Reddy

Written By: AJ Reddy