A Dog's Turkey Feast aka Thanksgiving by Butters

Nov 20, 2019 11:00:00 PM | Trending A Dog's Turkey Feast aka Thanksgiving by Butters

I had such a wonderful time last year during the holidays that I have to share with all of you. Seasons greetings from your favorite Wish Pup, Butters!

Seasons greetings from your favorite Wish Pup, Butters! 

I had such a wonderful time last year during the holidays that I have to share with all of you.

When the holidays start I get so excited! It always kicks off with Turkey day or what my family calls Thanksgiving. I don’t get that part but there’s so much food and family time, that it makes for a very special day. 

To bring you up to speed with how last year went, the morning started with watching Grandma make these round things that smell quite sweet. 


I love when I get to sit in the kitchen next to Grandma, she normally won’t allow it. However, for me, holidays are different! She even gives me a little bit of the sweet round treat to “taste test” with her, whatever that means. I think she calls them cookies, but whatever they are, I want more.

Then, the BIG feast! 


I had so many yummy things in my bowl and people even gave me their food too. Holiday’s are the best! BUT before the feast starts, they gave me a bizarre fake turkey.



It doesn’t smell anything like turkey, but they insisted on putting it on my head. It smells like my toys but I like wearing this fake Turkey. 


Everyone smiles and takes pictures of me, sometimes they even put this fake Turkey on. Happiness all around and so much attention, I love it! 


My favorite part of the day was, PLAYTIME! 

After dinner my family grabbed all my toys and we played for a really really long time. This can be very tiring after our delicious feast which means, nap time! It’s the only day that my family naps when I do. Oh goody! 

Everyone was at home with me all day long which isn’t normal because I spend most days napping and waiting at the door for my parents to come home. 

Can’t wait for this one, oh no I see a cat, gotta go! 

Oh right, Happy Turkey feast day! I hope you have fun with your family too! 

Leah Levine

Written By: Leah Levine

Wishing every day could be filled with more Wish. Favorite Wish Item: Plug-in Mini Microphone