sunset scene at the beach

Jun 12, 2019 12:11:24 PM | Occasions 5 Unique Ways to Celebrate Summer Solstice

In preparation for June 21st, we’ve gathered some items that will symbolically allow you to honor the sun.

It’s coming. The summer solstice. The day that brings summer joy, positive energy, and more hours of sunlight to the northern hemisphere. In preparation of June 21st, we’ve gathered some items that will symbolically allow you to honor the sun.

1. Essential Oils - Celebrate summer with a bonfire. If you want to get more ritualistic, consider pouring a few drops of these essential oils in and dance the night away.

Wish Shopping Summer Solstice

2. Eclectic Yoga Mat - Greet the sun with salutation, aka yoga poses, that will help you stretch and relax just in time for summer. These eclectic printed yoga mats are perfect for the theme.

Wish Shopping Summer Solstice

3. Astronomical Telescope - The days may be getting longer, but the nighttime sky is still just as bright. Stay up late and stargaze with this telescope beneath the twinkling summertime sky.

Wish Shopping Summer Solstice

4. Inflatable Pool - There’s nothing more fitting than water activities for the summer. To mark the arrival of summer, take a dip in this inflatable pool.

Wish Shopping Summer Solstice

5. Gardening Tool Set - Get down and dirty with the earth. Consider planting your own garden to mark this occasion, and see your veggies or flowers bloom throughout the season.

Summer Solstice

The Summer Solstice presents another opportunity for us to celebrate, bond and add new rituals our lives. Tell us in the comments section, how do you connect with the Summer Solstice?

Written By: Connie Chang